Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Guest Post for Me!

Hi everyone! I'm reaching out today to see if anyone would like to guest post for me while I'm settling in with mon petite bebe! He hasn't come yet, but I am heading to the doctor's (again) and am anxious to hear what they have to say and what will happen! The anticipation is exhilirating, but wish me luck, he STILL isn't quite 34 weeks.

Anyway, if you're interested in joining this amazing line up of awesomeness email me!

My Life Unmasked
Grace Loves Iggy
Bye Bye Beehive
My New Wife Life

If you would like, I'll totally return the favor once I'm capable!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Between Two Evils, Both.

As my pregnancy curse draws to an end, I find myself daydreaming more and more about what I'm going to get to do when I'm NOT pregnant. Things I've been refraining from in order to be a stand up mom from the get go. Things that remind me that Mommy has a life.
{Warning! This is one of those 4:07 AM confession like posts that has not been edited to appease anyone.}

I Want To:

1. Do it. That's right, do it. Starting out strong, here, but bare with me. Bare it all. That's what I want to do. I mean, let's face it, I've spent more months pregnant with my beau (with ailments... like, all of them) than not and well... my current physical state is testament to what we found out we had in common after we started dating.

2. Drink the whole bottle of wine... myself. Specifically on a night when I'm hanging on the back porch of certain friend's house. Or sunning in the pool at others. Then, because I'm sure my tolerance will be devoured by the same evil wizard who took it in spite after my first pregnancy, I want to experience the love/hate relationship with a hangover that only allows memories of the night entrance into my psyche in forms of bright broken rays of light.

3. Go hiking with my boys. I'm especially wanting to get more into geocacheing. I haven't ever taken Aiden Gray with me but come on, he's my kid and his father's son so he'll totally be down to hunt for treasure. Also, I want to see Aiden's face light up when he first recognizes the water fall is in front of him. I'll probably let him spend another summer running around nude in the middle of the woods splashing in and out of the stream. Heck, you're only 5 once! Then, we'll watch The Goonies.

4. Sleep on my belly. I usually sleep in a very feminine seductive position that beckons for me to be cuddled. However, if I'm exhausted, like really exhausted, then I like to fall into the bed face first with limbs hanging over the edge and my OCD thrown out of the window! The drama behind the emotion is suited for my personality. Ha! Anyway... it's been months now since I woke up on my belly with a smile in my own drool to the comfort of a fully rested body and soul.

5. Go dancing. I want to meet up with Stella, dress the part, and head to Athens for a night of dancing, ciggies, and whiskey sours. Our handlers will be Jameson for her and Jack for me, as always. (That one's for you, too, Julie) We'll start the night mixing and matching our mood with the appropriate scene and end up where ever we're entertained more.

6. Eat sushi. 7. Wear a miniskirt. 8. Wake up on the beach. 9. Throw a party. 10. See a Motion City Soundtrack show.

Coincidentally, I'm linking up with Lena @ M2M&R!

Monday, February 27, 2012


I mentioned earlier that I'm nesting. I totally nailed a complete reorganization of my crafts and found this stash of earrings I had made in a previous life when I had time to do such awesome things. I decided one of you might like them! This also gives me an opportunity to get my feet wet with this new Rafflecopter thingy. If you happen to find any problems with it, would you let me know? I'll even send you something awesome as a thank you for helping me!

These beaut's are matte gold stud earrings with a beautiful ruby red Swarovski gem dangling approximately one inch below the heart eyed skulls. I made a pair for myself and found that they add such a feminine, yet intriguing touch to any outfit! When listed in my store, I sold them for $27.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

NEW Less Than Jake... because God is good.

"I live to tell the story of my next few years."

I love the percussion. I love the lyrics. I love Chris Demakes' voice. I love the jolt of energy.

Birds nest photography prop "Light Feathers"

In other news, Mama's been nesting. I am SO excited about having my little bebe boy here to hold and snuggle in my arms...

I found this birds nest photography prop shop on Etsy. I'm about to pin the hizzle out of her shtuff so consider yourself forewarned!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Just Breathe

There has been SO frickin much going on. I am certainly not complaining, however I would be lying if I said that I didn't mind how my busyness has caused me to neglect my blog just a bit. I've only been 'gone' 3 days but it seems like so much more! I miss you. I'ma try to post an update. Now. See Chickadette on a roll, Batches:

* BABY UPDATE! I returned my heart monitor... but no news yet on what they did or did not find. I'm assuming that's good news but who the heck knows anymore! Also, I went to my appointment on Tuesday and sat through a miserable 4 hour sugar test and then went to an appointment on Thursday and found out that I'ma be okay. They lifted my bed rest curse but informed me that little baby Declan isn't so little. There is talk of an amniocentesis being done at 36 weeks to check on his lung maturity. If my doctor feels like he's safe, they're going to induce so I can deliver the baby naturally (like we all want). Both my doctor and I fear that waiting could cause complications due to his size.  'Why?" you might ask when my first delivery was so wonderful? Only 45 minutes of labor, 3 pushes, and a few stitches. Wait. Back dat train up. STITCHES. I'm lying, it was NOT wonderful and it HURT like HELL because I tore the WRONG WAY andIneverwantittohappenagain.

Ladies, delivering a 10 pound baby has NEVER been on my list of 'Things I Want to Accomplish One Day'.

* I am THRILLED so many people saw my blog and FB page during our co-hosted hop and decided to jump on this bandwagon! Not only am I flattered that I was even asked to participate, but I find it so encouraging to know you gals are actually reading. I plan to spend the rest of my day, after this post, returning the admiration one victim at a time!

* Next week, on the first, I'm going to host my own blog hop again but this time it's going to be for us lovelies that have Twitter accounts. This blog hop isn't like the rest... it's not an invitation to sign up just to acquire numbers. All you do is pledge to pick one or two or more link up participants a day to promote shamelessly to your own followers in hopes that they will take note and fall in love with the people you love, too. I had a GREAT response last time when we did it for Facebook pages and I hope to see the same trend unfold this time!

* I need your help. Have any of you ever participated in or headed up a community project? I am considering starting a non-profit team in my town to save/repair a building that desperately needs someone's attention. I could seriously use some pointers on how to begin.

Meet These Chicks

In an effort to dazzle you with awesome bloggers I have found online, here are two more NEW swappers I have been fortunate enough to come across. If you haven't yet, you're missing out! So go!


I am Kristen and I blog over at Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, which is military lingo for WTF. I'm an Army wife, about to move to Germany, learning to be more independent and spend my days designing blogs, chasing after my two brothers, and counting down the hours until I can Skype with my Hubby every night. WTF is about our journey and all of the things I learn and love along the way!


Hey, I'm Lee Lee a crafty fashion designer from Colombia. I love everything cute, photography and vintage items. I love spending my days sewing, reading blogs and taking pictures. I blog about my adventures, my trips, my inspirations, the things I love and the things I love making! Say hi! I love meeting new people!


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Spread the Love Facebook Hop Link Up! Say What!?

The time is here! Today begins the Share The Love Facebook Hop!!

{scroll down my page to get the button from a grab box}

Your hosts for this great event will be 
Katie from Party Of Four
Lena from Mom2MemphisandRuby
Stephanie from Rice & Relaxing
Cerrisse from The Posh Daisy
Tiffany from Breakfast With Tiffany
Ashley from Chickadette 

  Please read these rules before linking up. 
1. Please "like" all 6 of your party hosts.  
2. Link up your business and/or shop Facebook pages.
3. Be sure to "like" other pages that are linked up because they will be visiting you to. 
4. Leave a comment letting your new friends where you came. 

Link up your Facebook page

1. Like a Bird Studios  42. Color Of Earth  
2. Life on the Farm  43. Rogue Baby Boutique  
3. Lady Like  44. Truly Lovely  
4. Party of Four (HOST)  45. RockStew  
5. Mom2MandR (HOST)  46. J&M's Eye Candy  
6. Rice & Relaxing (HOST)  47. Like Mother Like Daughter  
7. The Posh Daisy (HOST)  48. Lillys & Lollipops  
8. Breakfast W/Tiff (HOST)  49. {laurenchelcie}  
9. Chickadette (HOST)  50. Little Miss Nerd Girl  
10. The DIY Dreamer  51. 7 kids & counting  
11. Petals, Lace and Pearls  52. 3 Four and Under  
12. The Fontenot Four  53. Sneakers Over Stilettos  
13. Meghan @ The Struggling Cyster  54. A Little Piece of Me  
14. every snapshot  55. Little Waterlily Big Pond  
15. FourJedis  56. Made By Munchie's Mama  
16. Thinner Not Sicker  57. eat.pray{read}love.  
17. Stuff I Love  58. Our Reflection  
18. Mimi Baby Boutique  59. The REAL Adventures of a SoCal Mom  
19. Mama Cat's Kitchen  60. Love & Shorts  
20. Semi Domesticated Mama  61. White Lights on Wednesday  
21. Love Parish  62. Bravoe Runway  
22. JK Says  63. Royal Daughter Designs  
23. My Life Unmasked  64. OAK House 5.  
24. Heavenly Blossoms  65. C.LEE  
25. Owen Smiles Photography  66. Giggles, Glitz & Glam  
26. Mirci Bowtique  67. Arabella's Beauty  
27. insomniasms  68. My Beautiful, Crazy Life  
28. Bliss & Vinegar Vintage  69. Redheaded Daybook  
29. All Things Chic  70. Simply.Lovely.Things  
30. girlymama  71. AbsoluteMommy  
31. A3 Sisters  72. Tara  
32. Cover to Cover...and Everything in Between!  73. imagine gnats  
33. Your Doctor's Wife  74. Style-Delights  
34. Delightful Deets  75. amariebeauty  
35. Agape Love Designs  76. The Dainty Doll's House  
36. flats to flip flops  77. One Sweet Boutique  
37. Mommy Made  78. A Girl and Her Craftbox Designs  
38. A Lil Dash of Diva  79. Occasionally Fit  
39. The Knotty Nani Boutique  80. Once a Mom Always a Cook  
40. Raising Miss Mommy  81. Paparazzi Accessories by Alicia  
41. Megan's Cents of Style  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Join Us!

I'm pretty sure I remember being told this link up was going 'live' tomorrow, so mark your calendars to check back over here and link up. This hop is specifically designed for those of us with Facebook pages for our blog.

With Google denying other platforms (Typepad, Wordpress, etc) access to Google Friend Connect beginning in April, you'll be seeing a significant change in how people follow your blog. I seriously suggest setting up a Facebook page or a Bloglovin' page. I have found these sites to be the easiest way to keep track of my favorite blogs! There are also other avenues such as Twitter, Google+, and Linky Followers but I honestly haven't mastered those yet so I am going to keep my opinion of them to myself for the time being.

I love you.

New Swappers!

I have been fortunate to come across some new Chicka's in the blogosphere and I bet you'll love them too! I specifically asked these certain ladies to swap with me because I found their corners of the net so inspiring. Here are 2 of my most recent crushes... I hope to spot light each of my loves but in the meantime, check them out!

It's My Life and I Love It!

Hi! I'm Lani from It's My Life & I Love It! When I'm not busy blogging about my awesome life here in Austin Texas, I'm working as a nurse, hanging out with hubs, working out, crafting, and running my own small business {Elle Dee Designs, I made fun children's clothing}. I've been a Texas girl my whole life, except for a two year stent we did in Central Cali for hubs job. I went to school at Texas Tech University {Wreck'em Tech} for nursing and have spent the past 5 years working in Pediatrics. I sure do enjoy those tiny humans, gotta get me one someday.

I started blogging this year as a creative way to express myself. I've been an avaid blog reader for years, but just never thought anyone would care to read something I would write. Wrong! People actually read it and even better I have a great time writing it. Someday's it's just pictures, or something that inspired me. Others its craft tutorial and around the house projects, occasionally there's recipe thrown in there. It would be awesome if you were to head over and start following me so you don't miss a thing!

The Dainty Dolls House
Hiya, I'm Kizzy from The Dainty Doll's House where I blog about positivity, art, life, music, personal style, my life in Scotland and any other interesting subject that comes across my mind. I like variety in life, so my blog tends to reflect that. I love all things vintage and unique. I smile and laugh a lot and love my family and art the most. Everyone is welcome to my page & I enjoy getting to know people through this blog world, so feel free to come say hello!!


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Do Us All A Favor, Would You? {Guest Post!}

Hello!  My name is Mrs. Robinson and I blog at My New Wife Life.

On my blog I write about marriage and what it's like to be a newlywed, our sick-nasty tattoos, our little Chihuahua named Zombie, recipes, health & my recent goal to lose some weight, among other things.  If that sounds like your idea of a good time, stop on over.  I'd love to have you!  Enough about me...let's get on to the good stuff! 

The whole word verification thing on Blogger has gotten out of control.  Are you with me?  

"Please prove you're not a robot?"  So...basically Blogger is telling us that when we fail to recognize some of the extremely skewed letters, we fail the human test?  That's pretty harsh.  I don't know about y'all, but that messes with my self esteem!  Haha.  :)  The best thing to do in negative relationships like these is to get out and get out now.  I'm going to tell you how to give Word Verification the boot.

How To Remove Word Verification

Step 1:  Determine if  you are using the old or new Blogger.  Refer to the pictures below if you aren't sure.  

Step 2:  If you are using old Blogger, skip to Step 4.  If you are using new Blogger look in the top right corner of your screen and find the "Blogger Options" button.  Refer to pictures below to see where this button is and what it looks like.

Step 3:  Once you have found the "Blogger Options" button, pictured above, click on on it and you will see a menu drop down.  Click on the 5th option - "Old Blogger Interface."  Be patient while your page is reloading.  :)  

Step 4:  You are now looked at the old Blogger Interface.  Beneath the "Manage Blogs" header, find and click on "Settings" as pictured below.

Step 5:  Once you click on "Settings," you will see the page below.  Click on "Comments."  

Step 6:  After you have reached the "Settings" & "Comments" Page, scroll down until you see the left-justified words, "Show Word Verification for Comments?"  See the picture below for reference.

Step 7:  Select "No" because that is the correct answer.  Scroll down some more and for the love of all things precious, SAVE your SETTINGS.  :)  I always forget this part!  

To return to the new Blogger, simply scroll all the way up to the very top of the screen and click "Try the updated Blogger interface."  

And they all lived happily ever after.  Ashley, thank you for having me!  :)  I hope that any of you reading this will make these changes and help make the blogging world a better place full of magical comments and smiles!  :)  Have a great day! 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Wish! {out loud} #10

It's time for our weekly link up! I host this blog hop with Robin Kristina and hope you'll pop over there and follow these lovelies. I enjoy reading their blogs and I'm sure you will too!
*read intro post here*

I wish I could let go of the fear for my unborn baby boy.

I just want to enjoy being pregnant.

So far, this pregnancy has been so dramatic! 

First, finding out that I was even pregnant was a shock that knocked me off of my feet. Then came the all day, constant nauseousness. Followed by a nerve wrecking pain because he was turned 'catywompus' as my midwife pointed out. 

I then passed out due to a racing heart and now get to wear a super awesome heart monitor.

NOW, I find out I failed my sugar drink test and have gestational diabetes... the severity of which will be determined on Tuesday after a in depth 4 hour test. I just pray to God I won't have to take insulin shots. I'm petrified of needles. I nearly faint getting my finger pricked!

Thankfully, there seems to be nothing 'wrong' so far, just a bunch of scares and need for concern. It still sucks though. I would prefer everything go perfectly and my bundle of joy be delivered healthy and be given to me, also healthy.

1. Grab the button and attach it to your post

2. Get your wish post up on your own blog! If you've already played along, either introduce a new wish or let us know how this one is going. 

3. Go to any of the 3 hostesses blogs to link-up
(They're connected so you only have to add it on one!)

4. Start hopping around to the others participating and see how you can help!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Things to Note:

I come across so much information and inspiration I thought I would just keep track of what I am getting myself into on the nets and share it with you, in case you would be interested too!

the covert robin button 

Lena (Mom2Memphis&Ruby) is co-hosting a Covert Robin Mystery Gift Exchange! I'm so ridiculously excited because I absolutely LOVE getting gifts. Ha, who doesn't!? I also love giving them too! Go sign up, maybe WE will get matched!
CLICK HERE for the post!



Happy Valentine’s Day from Children with Swag

I found this awesome blog on Tumblr called 'Children With Swag'. Check it. HERE

Aiden Gray's 5th birthday party is getting close! We're going for a Dr. Seuss themed carnival. I'm so EXCITED about our 'Oobleck Station'... courtesy of this Flubber DIY from OMSI. CLICK HERE

I was totally guilty of this and I didn't even realize it! I just followed her instructions and made my email available to those who want to reply to me via email way easier!

My dream is about to become a for reals. I did a post months ago about my dream of owning a little Airstream and sporting it as a storefront. You can read it HERE. Well, my beau's father just donated a 25 x 6 foot aluminum box for me to start with! I'll be completely renovating it over the summer so stay tuned for lots (and LOTS) of posts about it!

Hope your weekend is swell!

Thank You For Being A Friend

I seriously could probably categorize my besties with these characters. I think the Golden Girls are a great example of how completely contradicting personalities can come together and be best friends. You'll read repeatedly on this blog how much I love how different each of my friends are! I think that the fact I surround myself with such unique ladies contributes to me being personally well rounded.



Baby Boy Wish List

Will's Father: Congratulations, Grace, we have a gift for you!
Grace: Oooh, a present? For me!?
Will's Father: Well, no, for the baby.
Grace: Ahhh. Well that's nice too.

I have been asked by my darling bff (Tambi Jeanne ----> click her button, Little Mrs. Sunshine) to put together a Wish List for my upcoming baby shower she is throwing for me. Yes, this is my second but the Etiquette Rules I have researched say that if it has been more than 3 years, is the first with this husband, or (my fave) because you just want to celebrate then it's totally okay.

Since I have had a little boy and my sisters have had several little boys I don't really need anything... 'cept new cloth diapers, bottles, and a breast pump! So I've put together a short list of things I want, that will make my life a bit easier I think. 

So my mom sent me a variety of cloth diapers when Aiden Gray was born and I found the easiest ones to use were the ones with velcro or the ones with snaps. My only disappointment was that they didn't really grow with him. After a few weeks, I couldn't use them anymore. Some made GREAT cloth rags for cleaning but most were donated to help a woman's shelter in Asia after the typhoon hit. I've been doing research and I want to go with these Thirsties diapers. They versatile and this design grows with the little tyke! 
Thirsties Duo Wrap
Thirsties Duo Wrap Snap Diaper Size One

I have used a breast pump before and I could not imagine life with out one. I had both an electric and a manual. I hated the electric one... the discomfort and the likeness to being milked like a cow were enough to make me dread it! So yes, manual it is!
Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump
Medela Harmony Manual Pump

I could actually use this Yoga DVD now! I read an excellent review of it over at Manic Mrs. Stone and I am excited to try it. I was just beginning a daily yoga regimen when I found out I was pregnant, but then I was just too nauseous to stretch or lean in any way.

Baby Boy Burp Cloths - Boutique Boy Burp Cloth Set - Blue and Green- Sweet Little Lad - Ready to Ship
ADORABLE Baby Boy Burp Cloths

Declan already loves to be all balled up in my belly and I'm betting biscuits that he'll be down for snuggling close to me during the day! This wrap appears to be the most versatile I've seen yet!
baby wrap by boba
THIS Grey Boba Baby Wrap
$48 HERE

THIS would make an ADORABLE DIY gift!
Great baby gift~

I'm absolutely terrified of giving a baby a bath. As a matter of fact I'm pretty sure that, like last time, my mother will bathe my baby for the first 2 weeks of his life! Unless.... I have this. I couldn't possibly hurt him!
Blooming Bath Baby Bath
Blooming Baby Bath
$40 @ Blooming Bath

Check it:

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