Monday, November 28, 2011

It's Raining on Monday

I've decided to stick with the trend of the past few rainy days and post new music! I swear, finding the right song and sitting on the couch with a cup of tea while watching the rain fall outside.... well this happening is on my list of top 5 reasons I love being alive.

I'm feeling a bit odd today, btw. Enjoy!

Sea Talk by Zola Jesus

Fatalist Palmistry by Why?

written words

I've fallen in too deep my Dear
Touch my lips with yours
Fill my lungs with your breath
Swell my body with life
Pull me back to the air

There's a taste on your tongue
Such satisfaction is rare
My heart is a vessel and your
Promises like dynamite
Whisper the truth
Like the rage of the sea
Your moon swells the surge of
Emotion within me

Sunday, November 27, 2011

WISH! {out loud}

okay, ladies

It's time for the first WISH! {out loud} link up! Check out our intro post HERE for more details!

so I tried tackling my own wish this morning: to have more confidence

and attacking something I've been terrified to do: video blog!

So I bring to you the first cut (no, really... see how ridiculous my face looks!?) of a video blog featuring my first wish.

Join us!'s what you need to know:
1. Write your blog post including your Wish! {out loud}.
2. Grab and display the Wish! {out loud} button in your post.
3. Link up through one of the hosts' blogs because it will show up on all three.
4. Start visiting other blogs, making friends, and make a Wish! come true.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Turkey Story Part 1 & 2 & 3

Part One

It has been decided that my beau and I will be hosting Thanksgiving dinner in our home. I'm excited! (and hella nervous) I'm not sure if you ladies who have had children suffer from this same symptom: scatter-minded-ness. It only seems to plague me when I'm pregnant! My evidence: I nearly destroy every meal I try to create... despite my years of hands on experience being raised by Southern women, having a family of my own that I accept responsibility for in keeping alive, AND my years of professional training in commercial kitchens in two different states! *breathe* I can do this! Here's how:

My official night-before-Tday-turkey plan. I'm going to take the plunge and brine my turkey. Perhaps Martha Stewart will be proud of me and take me under her wing and I'll live happily ever after working on a show that features cooking, crafting, gardening, and the occasional fashion show... hey, a girl can dream!

This is so severely last minute that my turkey is still frozen at 4:30 on Wednesday night. I've decided to follow the instructions on the package (they should know best, eh?) and I have placed my frozen, still wrapped turkey in a bucket with cold water and put it in my fridge. According to the package it should be thaw in 5 hours. 

In 5 hours I'm going to take a cue from one of my personal inspirations, Chef Hugh Acheson. Garden & Gun Magazine (YES! It exists! ...and it's a glorious read for the Southern woman) posted a link today on Facebook of an interview with Chef Acheson done by  "THE Dish" on "The Early Show on Saturday Morning." You can check out the interview by following this link: HERE. I also did some extra research on 'brining', learning from Chef Michael Chiarello, on my fave cooking website (HERE)

So far, so good. Now off to figure out what my contribution to side dishes will be!

Part Two

Alright! So the brine was WAY EASIER to make than I thought it was going to be! So far, I'm not quite so sure what I was so afraid of! Perhaps everyone just seems to make it sound so time consuming and complicated! The prize for this part of the series: a pretty picture!

Part Three


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving Lunch!

Today Aiden's preschool hosted their Thanksgiving lunch. My mother and I went to share the festivities with him. They had the cutest little performance and a great lunch!

Monday, November 21, 2011

DIY { Just Lovely } Banner (and lunch!)

You're certainly aware of those gorgeous banners displayed at most weddings now a days... well I want one! Seeing as how I'm not getting married for some time, I came up with something else to celebrate my current state of happiness and decorate my home. 

I used colored card stock for the flags, glitter & glue, heart shaped bracket pins, and hemp string. 

I used my printer to print the letters onto white index cards. I picked a font called "RIDDLE" that you can get for free online at a site called

I used a rectangle template I've had for years to zero in closer on the letters.

I picked out the colors I wanted to use (from Martha Stewart's 24 pack of glitter) & glittered them !

I then took 5 pieces of card stock and cut 2 flags each. I started with one square piece 4 x 4 inches, found the middle mark on the bottom edge of the paper, drew a line from each corner to that mark and ended with perfect triangles.

  I  centered the letters on the card stock then used my teeny tiny hole puncher (the pink thing there in the background) and poked guide holes for the brackets.

I ran a piece of string along the back and taped the flags to it and hung up my banner!

(it took me about 2 hours but only due to the lunch break I had in the middle of step 3 and 4)

and since we're on a roll with the DIY...

I made a tomato sandwich using 2 slices of bread, 1 tomato, 4 slices of pepperjack cheese, and Duke's.


A tomato sandwich garnished with Lay's Classic potato chips makes for a classic Southern Belle lunch!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

It's raining.... again!

So I will spend my day like this:
In a kitty death pose with my eyes closed... hopefully purring. {and listening to music, duh}

Bandit {above} and Gypsy are still pretty young kittens so they sleep .allofthetime. with the exception of a few pre-dawn hours they romp through the house like miniature buffalo. I, however, do not mind their constant state of disassociation through sleep because it makes me feel a bit less guilty about also lying around and sleeping for hours {Note: I don't actually sleep for hours, but I pretend I do because it makes me feel better.}

Books Written for Girls by Camera Obscura

Featherstone by The Paper Kites

Recycled Air by The Postal Service

WISH! {out loud}


When I looked up the definition of the word wish, I was surprised to find: "Feel or express a strong desire or hope for something that is not easily attainable; want something that cannot or probably will not happen."

Cannot or probably will not happen? 
But everybody out there has hopes, desires, and dreams [including you]. Sometimes you wish for these hopes to come true at 11:11, on a birthday candle, or on a shooting star. Why is it that they probably won't come true?

Wish! {out loud} is a way for us to disprove that definition. It is a way for us to let the world hear our wish and make it come true.

We're such a powerful network of bloggers- we have the capacity within us to help each other make our dreams come true. Think, "playing fairy godmother." The idea is to reach out to your fellow bloggers and offer assistance as well as support.... whether it be physically helping them reach their goal or supporting them emotionally to express it. 

How it Works:

Start with a simple post introducing your wish. Whether you want to give a back story explaining it or simply put it out into the universe, it's completely up to you! Getting up your post that features your wish is only the beginning of this link-up though! The real magic comes from visiting the other bloggers participating... We're taking this a step beyond leaving a comment to let someone know you stopped by.

Let's say you come across a post where the writer says they've always wished they could open an Etsy shop. If this is a venture you've already conquered- reach out! Let them know how you got it started and offer to be a mentor of sorts as they make their wish come true! The possibilities are endless. Our hope is that we all step up and use our talents as well as our networking connections to grant these wishes. Whether it's posting a series of "learn to play guitar" videos for the blogger that's always wanted to learn or sending someone a board game because they want to spend more quality time with their family- no wish or answer is too big or too small. We encourage you all to get creative and to think outside the box! After all, wishes have always seemed a little magical. Let's help each other redefine "wish.”

Join us: Chickadette, Cup 'a Hot Chocolate, & Fly Far. Fly Free. 
every Sunday, as we share our Wish! {out loud}.

*link up officially begins Sunday November 27th*


Saturday, November 19, 2011

19 Weeks 2 Days

We had a healthy check up yesterday! Here are pictures of our precious little BABY BOY!

I just love looking at babies in the womb. They're so petite and chubby and their little skulls and bellies and hearts and bones and feet and hands... *sigh*. I can not wait to snuggle this little guy!

 So you've read the name "Vera Lizzbeth" on this blog... we were obviously hoping for a girl seeing as how we have 2 little boys already. Well, despite the faint disappointment I am actually quite relieved to be having another boy. The thought of raising a little girl terrifies me. 

One of my absolute best buys was finding this gem of a sweater on the clearance rack at Urban Outfitters. It was sized an XL but seeing as how I was after an oversized sweatshirt (first one I ever bought actually), I fell in love with the slit up the side and tulip fold front and back 'flaps'.

Necklace: estate sale steal @ $2
Sweatshirt: Urban Outfitters
Skirt: Free People
Socks: Target
Feather Wedge Boots: Urban Outfitters
Baby Bump: Brett Hill

So I changed into this: 

Oversized Men's Sweater: thrifted
Jeans: F21
Moccasins: Tommy Hilfiger (from Ross)

Kitten: Bandit... rescued, big brother to Gypsy, as loyal as my shadow

Friday, November 18, 2011

Giveaway Winner!

Congratulations Dana! Thank you so much to everyone who entered and stay tuned for my next giveaway I'll be posting info about at the first of next week!

{ Airstream Dream }

I want one! I mean, I really really want one. I've always been fascinated by them and fell completely for them when my father bought one when I was pre-teen.

My ex husband used to say that I was a Queen of Justification... meaning I could justify anything. Well, putting that skill and nomenclature to good use... here are my justifications:

1. I need an office. Why rent an office space or take up any more space in our already fitted apartment? I mean, not only would I not be wasting money on renting some office in a dinky building but I'd have a space totally 100% my own to fill with all the girly crap I catch hell for living with 3 (soon to be 4) boys!

2. I need a storefront. Basically, repeat justification # 1 and add the fact that what better locale for a vintage clothing shop than a swanky updated Airstream? Doing some research I found I wasn't the only chick (am I ever?!) that had this fabulous idea. Just look at how cool this spot is:

alice + olivia pop up storefront
Also, forget leasing buildings, buying storefronts, paying business property taxes and all that jazz. I'm in love!

3. We need to travel. I'm sick of daydreaming of places across the globe I'd like to make it to. I'm ready to start being there. I want to start in my own country too. I want so badly to go to the Grand Canyon, Washington state, Big Sky Montana, Maine, and Key West Florida. I could go on and on and on about it too... but I'll spare you.

4. I want to redecorate it. That might seem like a crap reason to some, but my busy mind and itchy fingers need something to do on a regular basis. Since we don't own a house yet and I can't focus on a complete renovation of my apartment the Airstream would give me something to do.


Check out this AMAZING reno by a chick named Julie. I'm so totally jealous. I can't even hide it! The decor is right up my alley, the color scheme is to die for, and the lifestyle is envy-worthy! Click here to read the whole story and take a tour!

Below, take a look at "Organic Designs" storefront. Besides gaining tons of inspiration for future DIY's I am totally sold on having an Airstream for a storefront. Click here to see them { and 'like' them!} on Facebook!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

DIY Entryway

I seriously have a problem with blank spaces. The space right when you walk into my apartment had that problem. You enter our apartment and it immediately opens to the right. There isn't a wall or anything to put a shelf on or place a mirror so we were in definite need of a wall mounted key holder.

I decided to make a collage of a few of my faves. I had a little wooden bird Sarah gave me last year, a wall mounted flower holder I found on clearance (wahoo!) this past spring, and a photo of two birds sitting on a telephone wire that I swapped a necklace with a local artist at a fair last fall for. It has written on the back in old man scroll: "Lovers Quarrel". I wish I could frame that part too! Then, I noticed... I DIDN'T HAVE A KEY HOLDER. Oooh, yeah. So I did what any self-respecting crafty girl would do, I made one!

I already knew from a few picture hanging projects that I had plenty of hooks. I tried first to twist them into the bottom of the birdie photo. No go. The wood that guy used was reclaimed and treated and hard! So then I got a brilliant idea... a stick! I went outside and in a few seconds found this little guy. I screwed the hooks into it, took some twine from a roll of hemp I had in my stash box, and voila! 

Here's a really crap photo of how I hung it on the wall:


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

It's RAINING! yesyesyes

Rainy days give me so much. I consider myself to be in touch with our planet and here lately, I've felt so connected to the fall. I love how fall seems to be the steady drift to sleepy winter after the busy excitement of summer. I feel one with the season right now as I leave behind the most difficult summer of my life and settle into the comfort of my little family that has come together. I'm ready for the long haul of winter and the comfort of hibernation in the apartment we've made our home.

That being said: here are some of my favorite rainy day songs. Although the lyrics might not be what I'm looking for all of the time, I like to play them for their sound. The voices joined with the music is outstanding.

Dan Andriano: It's Gonna Rain All Day

Chuck Ragan: Right as Rain

And something to dance too:

Reptar: Rainbounce

*have you entered my giveaway? check it out HERE*

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I've got a Peeping Tom!

I stood in my living room and looked out of my windows at the trees as I often do when talking on the telephone. I had the strangest feeling someone was looking at me... something was watching me.

I .was. right!

We still have no idea how he got there! But we're gonna leave him... maybe even name him! MAYBE name him Tom! hahahahaha

*have you entered my giveaway? go HERE for the details!*

Because I Think I'm Funny:

"Are you here with that girl? Wanna be here with THIS girl?" 

LUNCH DATE! boo-ya

Brett and I went to Clemson yesterday on a lunch date because he had never been and quite frankly I wanted him to understand what I was laughing about when I said "Downtown Clemson" when I offered it as an alternative to Downtown Athens. (Clemson's is seriously one street only and barely a 1/4 mile long.) I was also way too tired to make the drive to Athens, where we'd rather have gone.

I won't lie and say I don't really enjoy looking around and laughing at myself at how in awe I am of the fact that there's only one fashion scene mostly comprised of camouflage fleece and the fact that no one seems slightly embarrassed to have a bright orange tiger paw stuck to damn near everything. We didn't stay long... less than 3 minutes of walking around before he quipped "These people single handedly are keeping NorthFace in business... Let's go." It could be too that we looked like this:

But don't get me wrong, there are numerous reasons to be there. The tiny selection of shops they offer are amazing! The food, spectacular. The school? I'd be totally proud to have either of my children enroll. (To be honest, I'd also probably put a bright orange tiger paw on damn near everything and wear orange & purple dresses and sashes to the football games. Never a fleece though. Never ever. I just can't. My tattoo's look ridiculous when I'm wearing one.) 

We were there to get a burger at my fave place over there called 'Tiger Town Tavern'... they have the BEST burgers and these cajun fries with house-made blue cheese dipping sauce (the cheese is actually cultured in a cave by Clemson college students). Sigh. They were closed.

So we ate here: BGR. I'm assuming they're attempting this clever sticker thing like the place stickers you see plastered on the back of most SUVs proudly sporting where the vehicles made it. I dunno... it took me a few minutes to go "Oh, BGR... like burger without the U, R, or E. Maybe right?" Brett just shrugged. He didn't care as long as it was good. And it was

*Have you entered my giveaway!? Go HERE for the details.*

Monday, November 14, 2011

Black & White + Lace & Leather

haha, this is my 'kissy model face'

Pumps: found at an Estate sale $2
Black Zipper Leggings: gifted
White Camisole: Rampage
Lace Tank: Urban Outfitters
Too Small Hoodie: F21
Cropped Leather Jacket: gifted
Necklace: thrifted
Earrings: The French Quarter
Lips: Classic Red by Estee Lauder

My favorite parts of this look are the super high messy bun I tried (and LOVED) for the first time, red lips, and  the new bussom I have been given by my baby bump!

Black + White | Everybody, Everywear

*Have you entered my giveaway!? Check it out and enter HERE*

Check it:

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