You're certainly aware of those gorgeous banners displayed at most weddings now a days... well I want one! Seeing as how I'm not getting married for some time, I came up with something else to celebrate my current state of happiness and decorate my home.
I used colored card stock for the flags, glitter & glue, heart shaped bracket pins, and hemp string.
I used my printer to print the letters onto white index cards. I picked a font called "RIDDLE" that you can get for free online at a site called
I used a rectangle template I've had for years to zero in closer on the letters.
I picked out the colors I wanted to use (from Martha Stewart's 24 pack of glitter) & glittered them !
I then took 5 pieces of card stock and cut 2 flags each. I started with one square piece 4 x 4 inches, found the middle mark on the bottom edge of the paper, drew a line from each corner to that mark and ended with perfect triangles.
I centered the letters on the card stock then used my teeny tiny hole puncher (the pink thing there in the background) and poked guide holes for the brackets.
I ran a piece of string along the back and taped the flags to it and hung up my banner!
(it took me about 2 hours but only due to the lunch break I had in the middle of step 3 and 4)
and since we're on a roll with the DIY...
I made a tomato sandwich using 2 slices of bread, 1 tomato, 4 slices of pepperjack cheese, and Duke's.
A tomato sandwich garnished with Lay's Classic potato chips makes for a classic Southern Belle lunch!